A siloed approach of customer onboarding and authentication relying on old style methods such as passwords or SMS creates barriers to doing business, makes customer experience poor and creates opportunities for fraudsters. New user-friendly secure authentication and identity mechanisms make it possible to provide a better user-friendly experience across all channels while being more secure – thus reducing costs and becoming an important competitive advantage.
Today’s CX landscape demands a robust multichannel approach to customer identity that can work equally well on both traditional channels, such as call center or IVR, and new-generation digital channels, including mobile applications, websites, and smart devices, such as interactive kiosks or ATMs.
In this interactive session, we will cover the newest identity verification and authentication methods for fraud prevention, like the prevention of phishing and social engineering, the detecting of fake identities such as AI-generated synthetic identities, deepfakes and impersonations and how to better secure high-risk transactions like large transfers or update of details.
We will also share how your customers can benefit of the “new era of customer experience” and how end-to-end customer identity across different channels can be safe and seamless. You’ll hear customer success stories from the Middle East region’s large enterprises who already benefited from this technology and managed to reduce their costs while improving their customer experience.